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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

** iT's m3 **

Tagged by Miss Jasmine aka Feisun ... 十 it's super triple tiring moments, anyway, i will finish this tag as soon as possible since Jas is my sweetie =D
yea, it's right now~

1. What’s your ambition*
run my own business...^^

2. Who is more important to you? Friends or boy/girlfriend?*
BOTH... i miss my besties; i love my future bf.. =X I am single!

3. How often do you think of committing suicide?*
never and ever...i regarded suicide as the act of escapism!!!!!

4. Do you think you have enough confidence?*
NO!!! I always lack of confidence!
I know that i should be a bit more confident in myself,but... how? =X

5. How many babies you want?*
ermm, i love babies, but it's very pain while give birth. 3 enough^^ =D

6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?*
yea, it's a natural phenomenon! full of colours!!!

7. What is your goal for this year?*
ermm, i wish staying in my hometown until 2009 --> continue my U life..(homesickness...)

8. Do you believe in eternity love?*
101% believe in it!! =D

9. What's a perfect girlfriend/boyfriend like to u? (List 10)
-filial duty to family.
-full of humor.
-ermm, contains a warming smile~
-i hate those kind of HOKEY!!!!!
-respect to me..ermm, my family as well =D
-NO SMOKING!!! i am an asthma sufferer.
-light drinker is acceptable.I hate heavy drinker!!!
especially those bring about a criminal assault.
-good listener while i m facing worries or problems.
gave me advice for what i suppose to do as well ..
-the one truly love me. hope i do so.

I am still single and available..=)

10.What feeling do you love most?*
surprise... absolutely!

11. What are the requirements you wish from the other half?*
responsibly. self-controlled over emotions and actions.

12. is there anything you wanna tell the ppl you hate ?*
hate you bitterly. sorry, it's hard for me to hate a person, but you are the one.

13. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?*
yes. ****
maybe some of them are not very good friend, but i know them fairly well
-- who is worthy, respect and even truly.

14. What does flying means to you?*
birds, freedom?

15. What do you crave for the most currently?*
to be a sleepyhead (48 hours... haha... little bit crazy for this crave)

16. Who has the biggest influnce on you?

17. Describe the person who tagged you in 7 words.*
i love Jas's super triple cute hairstyle ** cutie...kekeke....

18. What have you done to yourself make yourself happy?*
being alone. maybe just sit quietly for hours staring the laptop.

19. What will u become in another 10 years to come?*
29 years old...OT after office hours..=X

20. What is your lucky number?
Nine 999999999

Instructions:Remove one question from above and add in your personal question. Make a total of 20 questions and tag 8 people. List them out at the end of the post. Notify them in their cbox that they've been tagged. Whoever does the tag will have blessings from all.

Sorry if you're in the seat. bestie ***

# yiiLinn
# zheng yang
# xue fen
# hakuna matata
# sze hui
# jian bei
# Fion
# sokmun

oh, my besties, you have been tagged!!! hahaha =D

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I.M.B.R <3 <3

IMBR~~ hehe.....juz to inform all my besties that...


sorry yea.....
Delay my updates here.
I promise to update it as soon as possible =)
miss lots...


Monday, October 27, 2008

run away from your side

mii & <3>
你说这是幸运, 还是不可思议;
身边有太多风景, 我却停在这里;
说我傻的可以, 还不是因为你;
现在我相信, 天空会放晴;
你的出现, 卷走我的心.
我逃了那么久, 回过头.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


重复听了无数次... ** [你走天桥我走地下道]**

Saturday, October 25, 2008


It's an immensely satisfying day. I had met up with my bestie, yiilinn. We are hanging around in KluangParade. It was very excited that bought myself a new RED spectacles. I lovin it.. Yiilinn bought a bag. It's in a warming blue colours. We do a fun night and ends of our gathering by "yamcha" in mamak stall. It's so excited that chilling out wif yiilinn and yamcha wif bei,nee,mok,mmu's nee,dazui n alien... Hoorey, what's a cherish night!!

3.21am. I am tired terribly. Thanks for your accompany. I felt really sorry to make you worried about it but it's just a silly worrying about my health. Goodnight for all my bestie and you. Promise, " Don't worry about me, I can take care of myself. "

Satisfying... It's just a self-loving photo taking.

huh? It's really just a simple job to satisfy me... nightzz ..
Satisfying!!! =D Cheers, uploaded my silly smiling face and yiilinn's funniest looks~

huh? funniest look ~dumb dumb @@

** signing off **

Friday, October 24, 2008

Because He Lives - Triple Play

God Sent His Son, They Called Him Jesus;
He Came To Love, Heal And Forgive.
He Lived And Died To Buy My Pardon;
An Empty Grave Is There To Prove My Savior Lives.


Because He Lives
I Can Face Tomorrow
Because He Lives
All Fear Is Gone
Because I Know He Holds The Future
And Life Is Worth The Living
Just Because He Lives

How Sweet To Hold A Newborn Baby,
And Feel The Pride And Joy He Gives;
But Greater Still The Calm Assurance:
This Child Can Face Uncertain Day Because He Lives.

And Then One Day I'll Cross The River;
I'll Fight Life's Final War With Pain.
And Then, As Death Gives Way To Vict'ry,
I'll See The Lights Of Glory And I'll Know He Reigns.

And life is worth the living just because he lives.. sweet JESUS!!
God bless us all! May we find Jesus everyday and every moment..

You Are My All in All - Dennis Jernigan

You are my strength when I am weak
You are the treasure that I seek
You are my all in all
Seeking You as a precious jewel
Lord to give up I'd be a fool
You are my all in all

Jesus Lamb of God
Worthy is Your Name
Jesus Lamb of God
Worthy is Your Name

Taking my sin my cross my shame
Rising again I bless Your Name
You are my all in all
When I fall down You pick me up
When I am dry You fill my cup
You are my all in all

Jesus Lamb of God
Worthy is Your Name
Jesus Lamb of God
Worthy is Your Name
Worthy is your name

**Dennis Jernigan**

** signing off **

Creative Advertisement

An innovative idea on a large billboard in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
It really makes you want that ‘Heineken’.

Life size images were stuck on glass doors at shops, airports in South Africa for the advertisement of glass and window cleaner I.C.U. The expression on the face is priceless.

A giant mirror was built that allowed passersby to stop and look at themselves wearing Indivi clothes at a shopping mall in Tokyo, Japan.

Adapted from:

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Lord, i thank you for dying for me 2000 years ago. I know i have done wrong and rejected u many times but i'm grateful for ur mercy which never fails to forgive. Thank you once again! In Jesus's name, I pray. Amen!
** callisto sign off **


He is Kevin/KevJumba. Kevin's blog is liven me up. His videos are made in a lively jokey style which really fun to watch. Guys, just click the link, . His videos are really funnily enough. If you delay now, you might lost his creative talents. =D
A=Awesome, B=Better....;
Asian's way of thinking? A=Average, B=Bad.... ;
I agree whole-heartedly with KevJumba's thinking in this topic.
Hope you're having a journey of discovery in KevJumba's websites. Cheers ^^

" Cheer up ! Everything will turn out okay in the end. "

**signing off**


1.56pm. I'm wide awake and browsering on the Internet. My face wreathed in smiles. I belief in God gave me hope during difficult times. A broad smile lit up my face.

Cheer up for life !!!
Believe, " If you smile on something, you feel positive or treat it in a very positive way. "

Page Graphics

I am keen on chilling out with sisters.
Page Graphics
A kiss, full of fighting spirit, just for yiilinn and xuefen.
Let's updating me on what's been happening.
Meeting up, sisters !


Without sleep for a long time makes me feel dizzy and light-headed. I know that if I start thinking of you, I immediately become hopelessly addicted. I was weakened by miss you much and terribly confusing in courses. I didn't know what was going on towards the end. I expect an answer soon. I ought to be getting ready on bed now. 12.46am. Wondering about Someone's studies and lifestyle recently. A lot's of stress. I am exhausted. I'm going to bed. Goodnight.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008



given up my finance course...

what's my next steps?

financial economic or international business?

Monday, October 20, 2008


sexy kiss.




Elena -- my jiza jimui

So serious....==" scary yea..

Always lies ppl as 18 with that super mature face

Baby lyons
Miss Loh... Are you the president of this company?!

Yeak!! WHO are them?! ..tuck gor + wei liang
So... ROMANTIC, i am jealous =D

It is fun modifying pictures and makes them look more interesting.

A woman who is going to be MARRIED soon

Ochh...What's a sexy posing and a happiness smile. The most beautiful 21st century bride!! She looks gorgeous isn't?...omg, it's "damn" attractive...Who's going to be PEH KOK HUAT's bridegroom? SOOOOOO hang fuk, but 100% not my turn.

" Peh, I would to be your bridesmaid. Your bridge dressing is super duper suit ur style! It's really matchhhh!! "

Thanks for Zhengyang's creative talents, I do enjoy this funny picture muchhhh. =D UNFORGETABLE...

1 new message

心情灰灰, 虽然很突然, 但却是在最需要有人聆听的那刻, 就收到你的这么一个surprise... 不开心也少了许多, 请宽恕我, 请谅解我, 当时我并不是很好, 不想你担心...所以, 伪装了, "我很好"....

Sunday, October 19, 2008


对另一个某人发了脾气, 对第三个某人丢了她东西.
我不是有意的, 我慌了, 我害怕...

“耶和华的约柜在前头行”(民10:33)  许多时候,我们里面起了一个声音,自己不知道这声音究竟是出乎神的呢还是出乎自己的。在这种情形之下,我们还是不动的好。如果这是出乎神的,神必给我们充足的证据来证实这是出乎他的,叫我们丝毫没有疑惑的可能。  耶利米的故事多么美丽:耶利米对于购买亚拿突那块地的事,已经知道是出乎耶和华的,但是他不去作,直到他叔叔的儿子果然到他那里去求他买回——给了他证据。于是耶利米说:“我…就知道这是耶和华的话”(耶32:8)。  

他等着,直到神叫他明白——叫别人和自己都相信——以后,他才照着事实去作。神喜欢我们照着他的心意行事。所以我们不可轻举妄动,以致违反了他的心意。——宣信  神的手所点的道路,神的手必去预备。  信徒啊,你不要说你要作什么,你不要作什么;你只要求神叫你看他所为你选择的是那一条路。如果道路还未显明,这就是说:现在还没有行动的需要;你站在你现在所站的地位上,神是负全责的.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

I am poor, desperated and vexed!!! Arrrgh..........I don't want to be a freelancer anymore!!!! Shiok man, finally, I found a job as a biscuit temporary promoter. I will start my BISCUIT life from today. 12pm-8pm ...(include 1 hour break-time) working for 7 hours.=D nice?! salary is satisfying and i won't be suffering hunger anymore! Yea... Do remember comes and supports mii, k? I will give you SAMPLING to EAT... So? Do "comes" now and don't make any delay !!! (omg, did you ever seen any people been so excited before going to work? yea, i am... =D BISCUIT, I am coming!!) this is not my first job... =="

我真的快疯了!! 闷的发疯了, 摇脚摇到颠了.. 做米虫也是需要天赋的,我承认我确实没有! 在家"吃空气"已经一个月又8天了... 超级难受的, 每天起床后就在倒数睡觉的良辰吉日... 我...要去工作!!!Biscuit, 我来了~~~ 嘻嘻!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Stay Tune

开始质疑自己是有能力, 曾想逃避
虽然每天告诉自己要乐观, 只有挑战, 你才能成长.
有着朋友的支持和鼓励, 家人的关怀与疼爱

我要重新定义自己, 改变自己,
好好过像样的生活, 好好的认识自己,身边的一切.
说得好听, 写得再坚定是没用的, 只有实际行动才能证明!


sharing is caring

Hate doesn't mean dislike. Dislike doesn't mean annoying. Annoying doesn't mean stupid. Stupid doesn't mean idiot. Idiot doesn't mean bullshit. Bullshit doesn't mean fuck. Fuck doesn't mean shit. Shit doesn't mean shoot. Shoot doesn't mean just do it. Just do it doesn't mean fake.
Life goes on, if you face any difficulty, it doesn't mean the end, there would always a way to go out, a warm place to stay in, a warm hug from you, a bright smile from your besties, a caring greeting from your family members.
Love is in the air.
I hope everyone can feel the love. If you are a loner, try to mix around. If you are single, don't worry, your path is still long way to go. If you are not single, enjoy the moment and appreciate what you have. If you are sad, cheers, you have to choose either tears or smile,which one would let you feel better. If you are happy, don't forget to share the happiness with others.

Sharing is caring.
**singing off**


这些日子一路走过来, 学会了逞强. 也不奢求他人要懂. 太多的意外都勉强我, 使我再也不敢看未来,害怕未来.
这段日子一路挺过来, 心里面决不让心事外漏也不需要谁再管我. 欢笑就让它像夜深了的影子不必再跟随我. 糟糕的是, 忘了自己性格太易难过, 被折磨得死去活来原以为最残忍的事. 时过境迁, 把孤独当自由而不是寂寞, 被所有的人拒绝关心也就没有什么大不了. 爱情又算得上什么? 少许人爱也不可怕, 被世界遗弃又有什么可怕呐!寂寞虽已经上场了, 我仍然可以在寒风夜里逍遥...因为, 我沉溺在家人的关爱中.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Let's introduce.... XD

BOOM!!...what's wrong here? attacked by terrorists? or bombs?
ishh,nope lar!

I jus want to inform that I am BACK!!!!
That's nothing's worst going on! =) Don't worry..XD
Let's introduce myself before i starting my granny story...
I am callisto, can called me han/kiki as well, university student, single and available, 12 sept,
person that sometimes quite forgetful =D

I'm just a normal girl.
I love doing things alone; like movie alone, travel alone, shit alone, shop alone, online-ing alone. But I love having friends too. I love everyone beside me(includes YOU,yea,that's "YOU" who r "spying" me in this blog..=P). I love looking at the stary night. I love day-dreaming.
I love gossiping, chilling, crapping, late nights and shopping. I can be a little boyish and crazy at times. I enjoy endless fun, food, tiramisu, strawberries (wow,this my favourite....^^"), lattes, music, movies, and myself.

BUT I hate backstabbers, liars, rascal, SICKNESS!!!

I love
Boys over girls.
Ribena over coke.
Shopping over eating.
Playing over sleeping.
Chilling over clubbing.
Strawberries over grapes.
Laptop over Barbie.
Hazenutt over butterscoth.
Sour plum over candies.
Thin over fat.
Beach over city.
Laughters over tears.
My Perodua over Lambog.

That's all about me =P

Erm....somemore.....I found that's a fun filled life is fully filled up with laughter... Trying to be happy is the good way to fight worries,stress or even angers.
Do rmb,"Laughter is the best medicine".

I am that kind of girls that someone you might like, someone you might hate. You Choose....

Since withdrawn from UTAR, I keep staying in my lovely hometown, do nothings... My life is filled with day-dreaming, blogging, forum-ing, msn, tracks and sure of movies/serials. What's a attrative story!! Highly recommended... 40 episodes of a hongkong new serial called "家好月圆" . I cried in most episods...why? Is it really sad story? or... don't hv any relations with that film? I am not sure. but, do i sure is I miss you now....right NOW.
You CONTAIN the type of effective painkilling ingredients.
Unfortunately, there is no painless solution to this problem...=(
I am painfully aware that I have made mistakes. I fall in love with you.
Forget about that, just let bygones be bygones...C'est la vie !!
I chose to escaped from "you"!

Recently, I addicted to a song which names "Ice-cream.Talk to me"
(it's a song i heard in the hk serial which i mention above)

Let's share the song lyric.

You talk to me
You speak with me
Don't sink before you rise baby
Don't fade away
You hesitate
You seem to wait
For all the time we had
Feels like a world away
Who's to say, we'll be ok
We will make it through the night
Don't wanna wake up in this state
I just want us both to smile
Cause we're the same
And i know that we'll never change
Look i bought your favourite ice cream
I dont wanna see it melt away
If you walk out now
I don't know if we're gonna be the same
Baby just talk with me
Cause i want you to stay here with me
The memories
The things we did
I locked inside my heart
Where i know i won't forget
And now, who’s to say, we’ll be ok
We will make it through the night
Don’t wanna wake up in this state
I just want us both to smile
Cause we’re the same
And I know that we'll never change
look I bought your favorite ice cream
I don’t want to see it melts away
If you walk out now
I don’t know if we could be the same
Baby just talk with me
Cause I want you to stay here with me
I want you to stay here with me.

p/s: Did you found that i am not willing to leave.

New blogger - callisto

我没有莎士比亚的灵感,却继承了他的忧郁.我没有曹操的精明,却拥有他的多疑.没有范进的虚伪,却有他的固执.我没有李逵的豪放,却吸附了他的牛脾气.而且 我没有大家闺秀的贤淑, 也没有小家碧玉的可爱.

I wanna hold you...
I wanna to tell you...
You should know...
Some nights I can hear you!
Some nights I miss you!

My feelings... That is the most secret thing I have without shown to the public before.

Only mii, mii and mii. All about my feelings.

I am just a normal girl.

I am just a normal blogger.

A beginner blogger.... To be continue~

Sample text

There are only two ways to live your life.One is as though nothing is a miracle.The other is as though everything is a miracle.